Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do we need something radical?

In class, we are currently reading "Radical Possibilities" by Jean Anyon which I highly recommend all of you to read if you get a chance. 

Throghout the book, the author poses questions to the readers about education and federal policies and possibiies of reform. So far in what I have read in this book a few questions and statements have caught my eye. Let me share a few of them with you....
Can education be used as a remedy for poverty and low wage work?
Or must we change federal policies in order to solve the probelm?

Its interesting, prior to this I have always made the statement/assumption that education was the key to getting out of poverty and improving ones own life. Have I been mistaken in these thoughts?

The author continues to explain that yes, education is a factor in determining ones future income however it is not as key as a role as we all might think. Gender plays a larger role than education. The author provides an example quite surprising.....Women who have a post bac degree still earn less than men who only have a bachelors degree!!
I didn't think we were still in a place such as this! For what reason does there still need to be gender discrimination. There is enough discrimination based on socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religious choices, cultural backgrounds and education....when is it all going to stop?
When is enough going to be enough? Are humans meant to exhaust every possible discrimination until there is nothing left? Isn't part of discrimination based on identifying differences and somehow managing to find way to prey on the weak. So if discrimination was to end does that mean everyone would have to be exactly the same in order to stop the problem?
I'm honestly a bit frustrated at this time and don't know how I feel about all of this right now.