Thursday, June 4, 2009

Being a teacher, what is in store?

When I started towards my degree in teaching I had a certain goal in mind. I thought I wanted to teach in a suburban school with enough money and resources so I could provide the best experience for my students creating an environment bursting with creativity, fun and exploration. Throughout this last year my goals have changed, and mostly within the class I am currently taking right now. 

Most of my life I have been known as the bleeding heart, the woman full of hope and love and somehow managing to find good in almost anything or anyone. Yes I know this is a naive perspective to have in life, especially as the world is changing and becoming more corrupt as time goes on. However, I must admit that I think having beliefs and thoughts such as these will help me in being the best educator I can be. Someone who will always work harder, try longer and do my best to never give up. And that I believe, to be characteristics of people who can really make change in the world. Isn't this the time of change? What was it the Ghandi once said..."be the change you want to see in the world". I am not putting myself on a pedestal either, so let me step down from my soap box and come back from my tangent. 

I have always known that I have wanted to make a difference in the world, even if it was small. But the more I learn, the more change I want to make. Not only do I want to work in an Abbott district but I want to make a difference in that district for those students. I am not quite sure how to go about any of this yet and hope that more will become clear once I am in the classroom. I want to do more than get my Masters degree now. I am not sure where I will end up or where to begin or what to do at this point. I will find out more as I continue towards the completion of my degree. I just have so many questions and things I want to understand and I am not sure where to go with all of this inquiry yet....