Sunday, May 31, 2009


I began to think about the economic state and how much this "recession" is trickling down to the school system. Budget cuts everywhere you look and only a few short months ago a mayor having to threaten the jobs of 13000+ teachers in order to make things "work" in his city. How are we going to fix this? I understand that as society is today there are more than basic essentials needed to live like shelter, food and clothing. We have to worry about power, gas, stocks, bonds, bailouts and bankruptcies

Not too long ago I saw a street fair/charity event taking place for a private music school on the lower east side of New York City. The school needed money because of lack of donations from alumni students and parents of students. The economic status has gotten to a point where once affluent people can't afford to share their wealth with those less fortunate. But when the affluent need more money to "take care" and maintain the lifestyles of private schooling for their makes one think.

What is really going on in the public school system that has not been shown to the public? How bad is the economic state of public schooling behind closed doors?