So what have I learned, what do I hope to accomplish....I know I want to work in an urban school am I scared yeah of course. I don't want to burn out or loose hope and I have no idea what to expert because no matter how you prepare with volunteer work, urban education classes, case studies, stories, books, and even student teaching nothing gets you in store expect for when its your time and your classroom.
I do truly believe that we really do need to look in our own back yard in this country and fix some of the many things that are so wrong. An its unfortunate because the general public has no idea how much of education and its policies fall to the way side so quickly when budgets get screwed. Older generations have no trouble complaining about my generation and the ones after me yet how are we supposed to fix ourselves and our generation if we cant even offer the basic education everyone deserves? And I found similar things in my research...people find it very easy to complain but when it comes to getting things done it hardly happens. Finger pointing is easy, finding the problems is easy, and coming up with hypothetical situations to band aid things - easy, actual reform, policy and implementation - no so friggin easy! We need to help these at risk students now more than ever because the problem isn't getting better its getting worse and I really truly believe it has to do with knowledge. So many people within the system don't even know the resources available to them and the system itself is complety backwards and sends people into a cycle that makes any ones head spin.
Something has to be done. I don't know how I am going to do it or what I even want to do in terms of the big picture right at this moment I do know that I will start in my classroom which I hope will be in an Abbott/Urban district. It really is all about choice and knowledge and as corny and cliche as this sounds knowledge is power and however I have to reach my kids I will find a way. I am totally terrified and sometimes get scared and wonder if I can do it because I have never done anything so important to myself and to other before now.....thanks for reading