Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Have a little faith...and Ivan Stevens

I just finished watching segments from a documentary Diane Sawyer did on the children of Camden, NJ. I am not sure how to explain how I feel right now. I have so much to say in response to the things I watched and yet, simultaneously, I am speechless. I have lived in NJ most of my life and in all my time here I have known of Camden and driven through Camden and I also had no idea.......I had no idea that statistically it is the most dangerous city in the United States. Nor did I know that one third of teenagers were arrested last year in Camden. Thirty drug busts in 3 hours in one town. And only a few short ten miles away is the suburb of Cherry Hill, the second most affluent zip code in the state of New Jersey. As much as I try to wrap my head around those few details...I struggle and I pray

To be continued.....